Cape Town Nursery

Mon – Fri : 9:00am -03:00pm

Boer Goats

Boer goats are a breed of goat that was developed in South Africa in the early 1900s and is a popular breed for meat production. Their name is derived from the Afrikaan’s word Boer, meaning farmer.

They were selected for meat rather than milk production; due to selective breeding and improvement, the Boer goat has a fast growth rate and excellent carcass qualities, making it one of the most popular breeds of meat goat in the world. Boer goats have a high resistance to disease and adapt well to hot, dry semideserts.

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Boer goats in South Africa are stocky body, deep chest, and long broad rump, straight back, strong legs, short glossy coat, loose skin, a slightly curved (Roman) nose, wide nostrils, large brown eyes, broad pendulous ears, and mid-length round dark horns that sweep gradually back and out.

Breeding Boer Goats

Breeding with Boer goats in Cape Town is not seasonal but there is an estrus peak in fall and a trough midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere. This means it is possible to kid every 7–8 months. Females reach puberty by six months. However, pregnancy at this age disrupts growth and future performance. Female goats should reach two-thirds of the herd’s average body mass before mating. After first freshening, they normally give birth to twins, for which they produce ample milk. One buck can cover forty does.


They have a red-brown head and white body; Boer goat colors may sometimes be all white, all brown, or paint (color spotted). These colors were favored for a purpose: pigmented hairless areas (eyelids, mouth, and under the tail) protect against sunburn; the white body makes goats conspicuous at range.

Boer Goats Weight

  • Does 70–80 kg;
  • Bucks 100–120 kg;
  • Kids (at 120 days) average 29 kg

Best Climatic Conditions For Boer Goats

The Boer goats thrive in all climatic regions of South Africa including the Mediterranean climate, the tropical and sub-tropical bush, semi-desert regions of the Karoo, and the great Kalahari. They are hardy, grazing on a wide variety of plants and in a variety of conditions, including Australian harsh inland areas where only very extensive grazing can be practiced; they have low water turnover rates and low internal parasite infestation. They have an exceptional ability to withstand and resist diseases such as bluetongue, prussic acid poisoning, and to a lesser extent, enterotoxaemia (pulpy kidney).

Read more about Boer goats on Alpha Goats


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